Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship
Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) is a special program of Royal Rangers that provides men and boys with additional opportunities to develop specialized outdoor skills based on the lore and traditions of the early American frontiersmen. Details on the FCF program can be found in the official FCF Handbook or the national website at RoyalRangers.com.
Membership Requirements
All FCF members in the SoMo district are part of the Daniel Boone chapter, which is part of the Rivermen Territory (Gulf Region). Membership in FCF is classified into three levels: Frontiersman, Buckskin Frontiersman, and Wilderness Frontiersman. Requirements for each level can be found on the following applications or in the FCF Handbook. All applications are due by May 1st each year (see applications for mailing address).
Frontiersman Membership Application – $30.00 application fee required
Buckskin Application – $30.00 application fee required
Wilderness Application – $35.00 application fee required
Lifetime Membership – $175.00 fee, no application required, contact us for details.
Membership Transfer Form - no fee required, for use in transferring FCF membership to or from another FCF chapter.
Trappers Brigade
Trappers Brigade is a service aspect of FCF that promotes the active and ongoing involvement of FCF members in service to their outpost, church, community, and world. All FCF members are encouraged to participate. Multiple levels of recognition are available, based on the cumulative number of hours served. Details can be found in Chapter 6 of the FCF Handbook.
Trappers Brigade Service Report – use this form to report your service hours to qualify for the next level of recognition.
District Scout Selection
Scouts are junior leaders serving as boy FCF representatives in the outpost, district, regional, and national levels. Qualifications & the selection process for outpost scouts are determined by the outpost leadership. Information on regional (territorial) and national scouts can be found in the Scout testing packet below.
District Scout Information - refer to this handout for additional details concerning the process for becoming our SoMo District FCF Scout.
FCF Events
Our FCF chapter conducts or participates in multiple events throughout the year. Follow the links before for more information about these upcoming events.
Powder Horn Newsletter
The Powder Horn is a periodic email newsletter sent out to all FCF members in Daniel Boone chapter. If you are an FCF member and are not receiving the Powder Horn, please contact us. The following is an archive of past issues of the Powder Horn.
Frontier Equipment, Clothing, and Supplies
If you’re looking for some sources for FCF gear here are a few options you might consider. Keep in mind, however, that some of these vendors may sell items for other eras, which may not be suitable for use in FCF. FCF gear should represent pre-1840s America. Refer to your FCF Handbook for details.