Camp Millhouser
Camp Millhouser is the permanent campgrounds for the Southern Missouri District Royal Rangers. This campgrounds is located at the Stevens addition of the Cross Point Retreat Center, the campgrounds for the Southern Missouri District Assemblies of God. Camp Millhouser serves as the site for several district events each year, including Pow-Wow, Frontier Adventure, and our Junior Leadership Training Academy.
Camp Mailing Address: 742 Hwy Y, Eldon MO 65026
Camp Improvement Projects
Our campground is the product of a community of men and boys from all across our district who regularly give of their time, money, and skills to continually improve and maintain our camp facilities. The events we host at our camp are a great experience for our boys due to the faithfulness of this community of men. If you would like to join us in this effort, take a look at our current list of Camp Work Projects and contact our Camp Caretaker if you are available to help.
Open Campfires
Open campfires are allowed in all designated camping areas of our campground, provided current Royal Rangers fire safety practices are followed. All campfires must be contained within, or on, a fire pit, fire pan, or fire mound with water nearby to extinguish the flames. Please refer to the current Royal Rangers Fire Craft merit for details.
Transporting Firewood
Due to the potential of spreading tree-killing insects or diseases, all campers are asked to follow current Missouri state guidelines when transporting firewood to or from our campgrounds. The following is a brief summary of current regulations, which apply to all seasons and all types and conditions of firewood. Full details can be found on the Missouri Department of Conservation website at Don’t Move Firewood.
Firewood found at the camp or purchased in the local area is your best source for firewood. Our campground has a significant amount of forest where naturally downed firewood can commonly be found. While we ask that all live trees be protected, all dead or downed wood found at the camp is available for your use while camping here.
Firewood CAN be moved to and from any location within Missouri. However, it is recommended that it not be moved more than 50 miles from where it was originally cut. Current state regulations prohibit transporting firewood into Missouri from other states. Pre-packaged, heat-treated firewood labeled with the USDA shield is safe to move to and from anywhere in the USA. This wood can commonly be found at many home improvement stores.
Per national standards, all Royal Rangers activities involving firearms must be conducted under the direct supervision of an NRA-certified Range Safety Officer or equivalent. All firearms entering the camp must be securely stored at all times and used exclusively for a supervised activity as part of an organized Royal Rangers event unless other permissions have been given in advance by the District Director.