Pathfinder Missions
Pathfinder Missions is a Royal Rangers missions construction & service program that makes use of the many skills of Royal Rangers men and boys to provide work & service teams to support missions efforts within the USA and internationally. Pathfinders provides teams to meet various construction needs through Assemblies of God U.S. Missions and Assemblies of God World Missions
Participation Requirements
Participation in Pathfinder projects is open to all men and boys who meet the qualifications for the trip in which they are planning to participate. Adult women may also participate in a support role as needed. Participation requirements may vary from one trip to another based on the conditions expected, the work to be performed, and the needs of the group.
The following projects are currently being planned and coordinated by the SoMo district. Royal Rangers from other districts are welcome to participate as space allows. Additional projects can be found on the national Pathfinders website at
Outer Banks, NC
July 5-12, 2025 (Saturday - Saturday)
Cost: $800.00 per person. Fees may be made by check on online (select "RR Offering" and include your name and "Pathfinder trip" in the memo field).
Contact: Paul Etheridge, District Missions Coordinator
Registration Form - download, complete, and return to Paul Etheridge by January 13, 2025.
Parental Consent Form - must be completed for anyone under 18 years of age
Medical Form - required for all participants, adults and boys. Complete & return to Paul Ethridge.
Assumption of Rick Packet - required for all participants, complete & return to Paul
Itinerary - a tentative list of our current plans for each day's activities. This is subject to change.