Affiliate Programs
Affiliate programs are aspects of the Royal Rangers program that serve a particular need or interest while partners are other ministries or organizations that pursue a mission similar to Royal Rangers or support the work of Royal Rangers in some way. The following links provide additional information about each of these affiliates or partner organizations.
Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) is a special program of Royal Rangers that provides men and boys with additional opportunities to develop specialized outdoor skills based on the lore and traditions of the early American frontiersmen. FCF members participate in special events where frontier skills are demonstrated and practiced
Royal Rangers Alumni (RRA) is an affiliate program that provides former Royal Rangers leaders and boys with opportunities to continue serving the ministry of Royal Rangers beyond the role of an outpost leader.
​Friends of Rangers is a special program of the SoMO District whereby individuals, churches, and other organizations partner with us to provide targeted financial assistance to boys, leaders, or outposts in need in order to extend the ministry of Royal Rangers to those who may otherwise be unable to participate
Pathfinder Missions is a missions construction program of Royal Rangers that conducts construction-based missions projects within the USA and around the world.