Canoe Action & Adventure Camps
The Canoe Action & Adventure Kamp is two camps in one - a Canoe Action Camp (CAC) for high school guys and a Canoeing Adventure Kamp (CAK) for middle school guys and leaders. Both camps are essentially the same and float & camp together but the action camp trainees must participate in a series of classes and activities that the adventure kamp guys do not. Refer to the camper applications for registration fees and participation requirements for each camp.
Both camps provide opportunities to learn and participate in a moderate canoe trip (floating about 10 miles over 2 days) on some of the most beautiful riverways of the county. All participants are responsible for bringing all their own food and gear unless otherwise noted in the materials below. A recommended menu as well as a list of recommended gear is provided below. If you need assistance in gathering food or equipment, please let us know. We’re here to help, and we want you to join us!
Downloads & Handouts
These documents provide additional details concerning the backpacking camps available this year.
CAC-CAK Application 2024 - use this application to register for this event
Canoeing Camp Handout 2024 - provides additional details on this event, including a schedule, suggested gear list and menu ideas.