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District Pow-Wow

Pow-Wow is the largest and most significant Royal Rangers event in the district. Conducted annually on the first weekend of June, Pow-Wow brings together men and boys from all across our district for four days of games, competitions, food, and fellowship. Come join us at our next Pow-Wow as we grow together into Christlike men through the community of Royal Rangers.


June 5-8, 2025 - Camp Millhouser

Theme:  Searching for the Prize​


We're looking forward to another great Pow-Wow at Camp Millhouser and this will be an event you won't want to miss!  The following materials provides the details on this important event.


​Promotional Materials

Use these downloadable promo flyers to promote this event within your outpost and to the boys of your community.  Note that the registration fees listed below are not shown on this flyer to enable you to add your own outpost fees to the total required for your outpost, but the fees shown below must be paid to the district at the time of registration.

  • Pow-Wow Promo Flyer - full color - coming soon

  • Pow-Wow Promo flyer - greyscale - coming soon

  • Pow-Wow Highlights Video - check out this brief video of some of the fun things we experienced at Pow-Wow in recent years.

Leader Guide

The Pow-Wow Leader Guide is a downloadable PDF document that provides all the details on Pow-Wow for this year.  It includes all the information provided on this page, and more.  Please read it carefully before attending to ensure you are aware of any changes that have taken place since last year.



Everyone attending Pow-Wow must register, either online or on-site when they arrive.  All adults must provide an adult leader registration form signed by their pastor, or a Pow-Wow staff registration form at check-in.  All boys can be listed on a single Outpost Registration Roster if registering on site.  Indoor housing is available on a limited basis for an additional fee (see below for details).  An optional Friday breakfast is also available (see below).  Make checks payable to "SoMo District Royal Rangers."


IMPORTANT, PLEASE NOTE:  Online pre-registration is REQUIRED by May 30th to receive the free meals.  Although you may still attend Pow-Wow if not pre-registered, you will not receive any free meals if your group did not pre-register.


  • Registration Fees:  $50.00 per person ($10.00 discount for currently chartered SoMo outposts).  These fees must be paid at the time of registration, either online or at check-in when you arrive.

  • Outpost Registration Roster for BOYS - use this form to register all boys from your outpost.  All boys must be Discovery Rangers or older unless accompanied by a parent/guardian for the entire camp.

  • Adult Leader Registration Form - use this form to register each individual adult attending from your church.

  • Staff & RR Alumni Registration Form - use this form if you are an adult attending but not with an outpost.

  • Medical Form - this form should be completed by each person attending Pow-Wow (boys & leaders) and kept by your outpost for the duration of the event, including travel to and from the camp.




Indoor Housing Option

Indoor dorm-style housing is available on a limited basis for an additional fee.  Pre-registration for housing is required at least 2 weeks before the event.  To register for indoor housing, complete the regular group roster & adult registration forms above & email them to or mail to 528 W Battlefield Road, Springfield, MO, 65807, or complete the online registration process, selecting "indoor housing" as your registration type.


Pow-Wow Hats & T-shirts

Theme-based Pow-Wow T-shirts are available to pre-order to add fun and excitement to your Pow-Wow experience.  Download the T-shirts Pre-Order Form for pricing & details.


Meals & Snacks

Friday breakfast, Friday dinner, Saturday breakfast, and Sunday breakfast will be provided in the dining hall to all campers who have pre-registered online by Thursday, May 30th.  Outposts will be responsible for providing all other meals in their campsites.  A snack bar will be open at designated times throughout the camp (see camp schedule) where hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, drinks, candy and other items are available for purchase at minimal cost.  For additional details refer to the Pow-Wow Menu.


Activities & Awards

The following activities, competitions, and awards are currently planned for Pow-Wow.  This information is provided here so you can be better prepared to participate when you arrive.  Sign-up sheets for most activities will be found at the registration desk and do not require preparation or registration in advance.  Additional items will be added as they become finalized.

  • Overall Best Outpost Award - this is the biggest & best award an outpost can win at Pow-Wow and includes your involvement from multiple areas.  See the award scoresheet for details.

  • Campsite Inspection - this form provides information on the items for which your campsite will be inspected at Pow-Wow.

  • Uniform Inspection - this form provides the details on uniform inspections on Saturday morning

  • BB Gun Tournament Team Registration - if you plan to have a team participate in the BB Gun Tournament on Friday afternoon, complete this form & turn it in at registration before noon.  If you bring your own BB guns they must remain securely stored until the tournament begins and may not be used outside this activity.

  • Shotgun Shooting & Safety Class - This class will begin Friday at 12:30 PM in Classroom #3 in the gym.  An additional fee of $30.00 per person is required.  Pre-register by Friday, May 19th to receive NRA course credit.  See Shooting Class Registration Form for details.  A Shooting Sports Liability Release Form is also required for all participants.


What Should I Bring?

If you're new to Pow-Wow and uncertain as to what you will need to bring, consider the following.

  • Boys - as many as you can gather

  • Leaders - as many as you need to adequately supervise your boys.  All adults must be approved by your church to work with boys (see adult registration form above).

  • Registration fees as described above.  Outpost Registration Rosters will also be available at the camp.

  • Camping gear - here is a suggested list of Outpost Camping Equipment but if you have questions or need to borrow some gear, contact us.  A camp store will be open during Pow-Wow with a few limited camping & personal items for your convenience (and a Dollar General is just down the road).

  • Food Supplies - for Saturday lunch & dinner, if pre-registered, or all meals if not pre-registered.  It may be good to know there's a Dollar Store just up the road about a mile, and a Walmart in Eldon in case you forget something.

  • An open heart, a good attitude, and a spirit of expectation for what God will do among us!


What Will We Do?

The following materials should provide a good overview of what to expect and what we'll be doing at Pow-Wow.  If you have questions, feel free to ask.

  • Camp Schedule - provides a summary of the plan for the event

  • Friday Activities - once you've got your campsite all set up a number of activities will be available for your boys to enjoy such as Gaga ball, basketball, big wheel bikes, hiking trails, orienteering course, low-ropes initiative course, obstacle course, shotgun shooting safety class, and more.  Outpost leaders are responsible for supervising their boys during this time as many of these activities are unfacilitated.

  • Eldon Aquatic Center - if you're all set up with nothing to do by Friday afternoon, and it's really hot, you could consider taking your boys swimming at the Eldon Aquatic Center.  It's only a few miles up the road and thy offer a group rate for boys (about $4.00 per person).

  • Saturday Morning Assembly - On Saturday morning all outposts will gather in formation at the flag poles for a brief morning assembly.  We'll raise the flags, have a brief devotion, and make last-minutes announcements concerning the day's activities.  Immediately following the assembly outposts are encouraged to participate in uniform inspects to earn points for the "overall best" awards.

  • Saturday Activities - Saturday is the big day for activities at Pow-Wow with a wide variety of games and competitions taking place all day such as a 7v7 soccer tournament, a flag football tournament, BB Gun shooting, archery competition, dodgeball, tug-o-war, and whatever else our amazing activities team pulls together!  This is always a really fun time and will be the highlight of Pow-Wow for many boys.

  • Evening Services - Although all the activities are fun, the evening services are the focal point of Pow-Wow.  On Friday and Saturday nights we will be gathering at our outdoor amphitheater for a time of fun & laughter as well as worship & praise under the stars where we will once again be waiting & believing for all God is going to do in us and among as we continue the journey of becoming the men of God we were created to be.  And we'll be glad to have you with us. 

  • Sunday Morning - after breakfast we'll be having small group Sunday School classes as we wrap up Pow-Wow hearing the truth of God's Word from some of the best Bible teachers in the district.  Outposts are free to break camp & head home as soon as they're ready.


Pow-Wow will be a great time together and we're looking forward to having you with us!  We'll see you there!

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